Sunday, December 21, 2008

Double Blessings for Thanksgiving!

My two bestest friends in the whole world have been blessed (within days of eachother) with new babies! My friend Deb gave birth to baby Benjamin Jacob on November 15th, and my friend Kate adopted baby Alexandra Jordan, born on November 12th. (see next entry for Alex's post!) We celebrated by having a family get-together (which we do monthly). My girls had so much fun holding the babies! So did my husband!

Deb and baby Ben
Kate and baby Alexandra

Michael and new daughter, baby Alex
Bailey and Emma holding the babies.

Alexandra Jordan

Benjamin Jacob

My hubby with Alexandra

Welcome Baby Alex!

Our very dear friends, Kate & Michael, and their son Jeremy have adopted a baby girl! Her name is Alexandra Jordan, born on November 12th, and she is absolutely PERFECT! Kate was lucky to be present at Alex's birth. They waited a long time to be blessed with this little one, and we are all so THANKFUL for this little miracle!

Let it SNOW!