Saturday, January 5, 2008

MEOW! Cat-fights! I can't take it anymore!

All my girls do is fight. I cannot leave the room for more than 10 seconds before I hear screams or my older child whining loudly, "Maaaahm, Emma keeps kicking me..."
I leave the room to start supper, screams. I try to do some laundry in the basement, screams. God forbid the telephone rings. Then all hell breaks loose. Lately when the phone rings, I take it right into the bathroom with me and lock myself in. Thank God for caller ID! I now only answer the phone if it's someone who knows me personally. I tried to answer a call from my doctor once, and I couldnt hear a word she was saying, but I couldnt interupt her and tell my kids to back off while on the phone - wouldnt want her to think I was human :o)

I am so jealous of moms with daughters who play together. What is that like?

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